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How to integrate with Shopify

To integrate Shopify with, go to Integration > Setup.

Click on the Integration button.

Click on the Add button.

Fill in your Shopify URL.

Click on the Continue button to proceed.

Fill in your registered email address to proceed and click on the Continue button.

Click on the Install unlisted app to connect with Shopify.

You will be redirected to Setup page under Integration.

Then, click on the Manage button to access your Shopify settings page.

You will then be redirected to Settings page. Please fill in all the details, or the app might failed to work.

In the Fulfillment Settings section, you will be able to choose between 2 type of Integration Mode. Automatic and Manual mode. Automatic integration will create shipment immediately after you’ve fulfilled your order. Manual integration will require you to process your shipment manually. You will be able to manage the process from Integration > Imported Orders section in

Fill in all of the sender details. Please make sure that every information is correct as create shipment process will fail and require manual operation in Imported Orders sections.

Click the Save button in order to save all of your settings.

Go to Orders page for process regarding Fulfill orders or Print Label.

To proceed with either Fulfill orders or Print Label, please tick the check box of any order that you would like to fulfill or print consignment label. You could either tick a single check box for single operation or multiple checkbox for multiple operation.

To fulfill orders, click on the Actions drop down menu and choose Fulfill orders.

A popup box will appear for confirmation of your fulfill action. Click on the Fulfill button in order to continue.

After your order have been fulfilled. Their status will change from Unfulfilled to Fulfilled in the red box section.

In order to print the consignment label click on the Actions drop down menu and choose Print Label. You will be forwarded to another page.

All of the selected orders consignment label will be displayed here. You can print the consignment label by clicking on the printer icon at the top right corner of the screen.

If you choose Automatic integration in the Shopify Integration settings, your shipment will be created immediately, it will appear under Shipment page in

If you choose Manual integration in the Shopify Integration settings, your shipment data will appear under Integration > Imported Orders page in

To access your Shopify config, go to Integration > Setup and click on the Manage button.

Updated on: 12/20/2018

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